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09 February 2021
A Winter Burial

Today we said goodbye to T at the beautiful Conqueror Wood Burial Ground overlooking Torbay - boy was it cold with snowflakes swirling round and a wind chill of -6'C - T would have loved it, she loved nature.

Her cousin read a poem that explained T's thoughts about her death and where he could perhaps find her:

I’ll Be There

There was no time to say goodbye

But this I ask – please do not cry

Remember me as you think best

The happy time – forget the rest.


Look for me and I’ll be there

And you will find me everywhere

In the gentle touch of breeze

That cools the skin or swirls the leaves.


In the scent and colour of flowers

That gave to me such happy hours

On sunny days under sunny skies of blue

Just think of me, I’ll be with you.


In winter when there’s cloud or mist

the rain will give to you my kiss

as wood smoke lingers in the air,

look for me and I’ll be there.


Where seagulls cry above the sea,

and surf rolls in endlessly,

among towering trees that soar above

In all these things that once I loved

Look for me and I’ll be there

You’ll feel my presence everywhere

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